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Private Islands You Probably Can't Own

Ile Gagnon Island is in Canada, so like everything else in that country, it at one point belonged to Celine Dion! Now, as you can literally drive onto this island — that's how close it is to the mainland — its opalescence comes not from its remoteness from society, but from holy crap is this mansion nice.

The island itself is a little under twenty acres, and taking up a good chunk of it is a stone mansion nicer than anything you've ever seen before. It's three stories high and features a wine cellar and, again, it's on a private island, which makes this the most cliche rich-person thing since gold-plated chairs. Seriously, Scrooge McDuck looks at this place and goes, "Isn't that a little much?" If you stumbled upon it and ran into talking furniture you'd be like, "Yeah, sounds about right."

Though, again, it's in Canada, so we imagine you're not legally allowed to stay unless you learn how to be nice to everyone which, unfortunately, rules us out. Also, the $30 million Canadian ($22 million USD) price tag. That rules us out too.
